AcupunctureAcupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) take a holistic, or whole-body approach to health. This means your acupuncturist will take into account your whole self, not just your symptoms, in order to get to the root of your health concerns. You will work together to find out how factors like your lifestyle and emotional and mental well-being may be affecting your health.
The purpose of acupuncture is to bring the body back into internal balance, harmonizing the yin (body flow) and yang (body strength) and qi (vital energy) of the body. In Chinese medicine, acupuncture is believed to have immediate action on one’s vital energy, strength and flow. This is done by using very fine needles to puncture the surface of the skin at specific points along energy channels or pathways known as meridians. These sites are called acupoints, and are chosen according to Chinese medicine theory in order to elicit specific therapeutic effects. Acupuncture is performed by certified practitioners and physicians to treat certain medical disorders and is chosen as the primary form of medicine in many Eastern countries. The modern scientific explanation is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain, or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body's own internal regulating system. The improved energy and biochemical balance produced by acupuncture results in stimulating the body's natural healing abilities, and in promoting physical and emotional well-being. Your Acupuncturist may include other related therapies in your treatment plan, such as Cupping, Tui Na, Gua Sha or moxibustion. Herbal remedies are another important aspect of acupuncture and TCM. Prenatal AcupunctureAcupuncture provides a highly effective healthcare system, to be used in conjunction with allopathic gynecological and obstetric care. Acupuncture can be used to address many prenatal conditions that can not be treated with over‐the-counter and prescription medications. It is also effective in assisting conventional medicine in addressing high‐risk conditions.
CuppingThe ancient art of cupping has been utilized by healers and lay people over many centuries. Cupping is a suction technique designed to pull blood from the body’s deeper tissue to the surface of the area being treated. This new blood brings an abundance of nourishment & healing to the area of muscle spasm, pain & toxic buildup.
Physical pain implies a blockage of blood flow & energy through a particular area. Utilizing cupping techniques our Acupuncturist is able to pull & stretch the tissue creating movement in an otherwise stagnant area. This creates relief in chronically tight, painful muscles. In only a few minutes of cupping, not only can we pull toxins out of specific areas, keeping the skin youthful & glowing. But we can also pull fresh new blood into those areas,which will vitalize and restore health. Celebrities love cupping! |
Acupuncture New Patient
Free Cupping Treatment
Veronica Sanchez, FNP-BC, BSN, RN, CCM, LAc
Veronica Sanchez has been an acupuncturist since 2004. After completing her undergraduate degree at Berkeley, she subsequently obtain a Master's in Traditional Chinese Medicine at Dongguck University followed by a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Nursing from United States University, San Diego, CA. Her interest include women’s health, muscular skeletal conditions, chronic pain, and regenerative medicine. She combines the best of East West medicine to provide high quality cutting edge holistic care. She has obtained additional certification in neural therapy which is a profoundly healing treatment that uses local anesthetics injections into scars, peripheral nerves, trigger points, glands, and other tissues to help decrease pain, facilitate lymphatic movement, and help improve organ function. Neural therapy has been effectively used for conditions including chronic pain from scars and c-sections to low back pain, migraines, pelvic treatments, and joint pain. Neural therapy has been widely used in Europe for the last 50 years. She is passionate about the power of Chinese Medicine and combines it with Western Medicine and has helped improve the quality of life for thousands of patients over the years.
As the current Clinic Director at InnerMovement, Veronica guides the InnerMovement Team who continues to provide award winning care.
Veronica loves spending time with her family, friends, and pets. Daily practices of Transcendental Meditation and Qi Gong helps keep her Qi levels up so she can continue to do what she loves: serve the community at large.
As the current Clinic Director at InnerMovement, Veronica guides the InnerMovement Team who continues to provide award winning care.
Veronica loves spending time with her family, friends, and pets. Daily practices of Transcendental Meditation and Qi Gong helps keep her Qi levels up so she can continue to do what she loves: serve the community at large.